"When you're new on staff, you expect that you will make mistakes, and you expect other, more seasoned staff to understand this. The question I have for you is, will you allow your national leadership to make mistakes?"
As he said these words, I was instantly convicted. In joining staff, because of certain circumstances, I was really weary of joining such a large organization. A question resonated in my head constantly, "How can a team of people, who don't even know me, and who rely on pieces of paper and forms filled out about me, make a decision on where to place me? How do I know I can trust these people? Do they even care? There's 500 staff in Canada and 27,000 staff worldwide. No leadership of an organization as large as that actually cares about the 'little people'."
But as Dave Beck said those words, in my heart I was convicted. The people on the national team for Campus Crusade for Christ, Canada are solid, godly people whom God had ordained to be in their respective positions. I knew that as a first year staff member (and as a human), I'd be making a great deal of mistakes, and yet I was not willing to submit to others and let them make mistakes. Prior to this conviction, I had told other first year staff members that I would be really upset if I wasn't placed in Quebec, and that I would have a difficult time trusting the staff. But after these words spoke to my heart, I really felt a sense of peace. All of a sudden, I saw the huge need that there is on university campuses all across Canada, and I realized that although I love Montreal and desperately want to see it reached for Christ, I really could go anywhere and be at peace with God and the people He had selected to lead me.
When they handed out the envelopes containing where our placements would be, I felt such a sense of peace that I didn't go rushing off to open it. I sat in my room and prayed for awhile, and opened it up. It said that I had been placed in Montreal. I cried. Though I had been willing to go anywhere, God and the national leadership team had seen my heart, and had placed me in the city I so desperately wanted to go to.
That night, all of us went to the Leonard Buhler's house for dinner. Leonard Buhler is the president of Campus Crusade for Christ, Canada. When we got there, Leonard was outside barbecuing burgers, and his wife, Debbie, was inside making salad and washing the veggies. Not only did Leonard barbecue for us, he continued to barbecue until all of us had had seconds before stopping to eat. This was immensely humbling. I had been questioning whether the leadership of crusade actually cared, when here was the president himself, serving us! We were all in awe; what president of a national company is ever found serving his first year staff workers? I was beyond touched.
It excites me that I am joining an organization full of humble, servant-hearted individuals. Yes, it may be a big organization, but going to BC really showed me that it is an organization of people who truly care about my well-being and really desire the gospel to be preached in all corners of the world.
Leonard, Debbie and Myself
Leonard and 4 of us new staff girls!
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