jeudi, novembre 01, 2007


i know i've been mia recently. You KNOW you're an msn addict when people start emailing you, asking if you're alive...solely with the reason that you haven't been on msn in awhile.

Life is busy, and I feel like there are so many things to do in my personal life...and in every aspect of life. I haven't unpacked any of my boxes yet, my room is not yet fully painted, and my furniture (which I finally bought last night) is not set up yet.

There aren't enough hours in a day, and though I used to scoff at all my friends who would be in bed by 11, yesterday I stayed up till midnight to finish some ministry stuff and at that point, I was seriously dying of tiredness. I am an old woman.

Alongside this busyness that comes with a new life, a new transplant, comes learning new boundaries. I went from seeing maybe one or two people a week to meeting new people everyday, and seeing people every day. Though I am not an introvert, I am no extrovert. Too many people and too few of the right kinds of people is really draining.

I'm not complaining. Though I thought I would be really lonely here, I'm not. The staff are all too kind, and I have a great roommate. I am missing people though. I feel a sudden disconnect from everything I knew. Aside from one or two people, I have not talked to any of my friends from my church in Toronto, nor any of my other Toronto friends. I have the best intentions to email, but I don't yet have my own room, my own internet connection, and even time for myself. I don't like this disconnect, but I feel as though it will be around for the next while, while I build myself a home.

Other than that, pictures will soon come. I know people have been asking.

My baking/snacks for my small group bible study are now done. I need to take them out of the oven and get ready to leave the house. My need to go and spend a bit of time with Jesus is great. I have not done so for awhile and if I'm going to lead women, I need to follow Someone.

Have yourselves a great afternoon.

1 commentaires:

Jess Versteeg a dit...

I'm so excited for you!! God is so good. I feel for you about the no-time-for-personal things. You should see my room. It's like the most disgusting mess ever. I have 6 cups that MAY or MAY not be their own science experiment on my desk and I just don't have time to spend to clean it. Sigh. God is gooooood