Many things to think about. This came out of my mouth today, "If my child (a boy) constantly desired to wear pink, I'd be worried."
What??!! I don't even believe this. Somehow, I was trapped into saying it!!
And so..tonight I have been given many things to grapple over. The role of women in the church (something that was already in process), speaking in tongues (funny enough, I started reading up on this last week...and it's been brought to a head, of late!), belief (if you want to believe, but don't believe, how do you believe? Simple Answer: the Holy Spirit...)...
Also, my pastor says that I go for Peters...but I need someone more like John.
These are all things I once had a position on..and I still do... but am re-wrestling with. I guess it's a good thing?
There are many good quotes from tonight.
"You need a John but you go for Peters." hmmm..i need a john eh? hahaha.
Person A:"What if God calls you to marry someone who can't read?"
Me:"Uhh i hope that isn't a prophecy."
later on in the conversation...
Person C: "I can't read."
Me: Am I going to marry you????
I wish I was young and jujubes were the solution to all of life's questions.

5 commentaires:
Please enlighten me as to what qualities characterize a man who is a "Peter" vs. a "John" in the context of which your Pastor is speaking. I am highly intrigued.
Also, I'm pretty sure those are Sweedish Berries :)
This post is the bomb. I love it. The pic seals the deal. I noticed it on your Aminus3 page but this writing makes it all better.
Sweedish Berries, indeed.
At the risk of sounding preachy, ask God for understanding. I've learned a lot in the past year. I had so much confusion but I've learned a lot doing this. I like dishing the honest prayers to God. I tend to bring him my neurosis through prayers of, "I really feel ______ (fill in blank with emotion) right now and I don't know why" OR "I don't understand _______ (fill in blank with what's on my mind). I tend to always end with, "Please give me understanding." After I pray about it, it's not like the problem goes away but I've seen God reveal a lot of truth to me. That's always comforting.
I think a better question is, does God call us to marry our spouse? If he does, what if he calls you to marry someone who doesn't like reading?
big question is would someone who can't read marry you?
that kid is clearly contemplating the meaning of headship. candy could never satisfy his hunger for truth.
pink is not arbitrarily a favourite colour of women. its inherent in the colour. salmon on the other hand..
unfortunately, it is extremely unlikely that i will be in montreal in the next week, though i do wish we could catch up. but you and your ministry are still in my prayers, friend.
did u just delete what i posted.
coz i think u did!
what did i even write?
1 John or 2 John, that's the question.
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