some days are just bad, confusing days.and though i drew this off the top of my head, it looks very familiar. i'm pretty sure i've ripped off someone's stick drawing style... so if you know who, let me know. it's vaguely salad fingers, but not quite.
4 commentaires:
hey there lovely bunch of coconuts!... i love you and miss you! You are so cute!
You know, I don't "know" you know you, but I just wanted you to know that I think that God has uniquely gifted you with theological, Biblical, and personal insight that makes you a (potentially) big blessing to students in Montréal, and to the movement there.
I say "potentially", because I've never actually seen you in action. Or seen you.
Just thought I should write you this quick note as an encouragement, just in case it's appreciated. (I was just reading this blog post on Desiring God that reminded me that encouragement sometimes is really needed :)
well I have seen/experienced her in action and i can attest to everything said above. Whenever I explain spiritual multiplication to someone, I use a diagram that shows how Lydia discipling me on project has now influenced at least just through me. That's pretty cool, and that's not including her impact at UofT and in Montreal.
As for the stick figure - i know exactly what it is you stole it from, I just can't remember what its called so I can't google it and find it.
sara: i'm glad you're still alive.
paulman: thanks so much for that. I really appreciated the encouragement!!!
jess: hahahahah i am famous because of your spiritual multiplication diagram.
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