samedi, septembre 20, 2008

10 + 1 things.

10. the boosted headphones my friends gave me for my birthday

i love these! the sound is great, they're super cushy, they are vintage pink AND i feel pretty artsy-emo when i wear them!!

9. a saturday completely devoid of plans or responsibilities.

mm it was great to wake up late, go for lunch in the mile-end/plateau area and come back and nap.

8. the plateau

this neighbourhood is ridiculously "me". Bohemian enough to satiate my appetite, but not so bohemian that i feel like my life is threatened when i walk down the streets.

7. priscilla ahn

her music is fantastic! She's like a mix of Norah Jones and Rosie Thomas..

6. sing over me: worship songs and lullabies

i especially love the bethany dillon tracks.

5. equita chocolate

mm, my coworker and friend bought me a bar of equita chocolate (dark with earl grey nibs). it's SOO delicious, and leaves an earl grey tea aftertaste. miam miam! AND, even's fair trade!!!

4. michael cera

i love the movie juno...and michael cera is just so ridiculously nerdy and charming at the same time!

3. barbecue tofu sandwiches

i've been making myself some tofu sandwiches lately. I just bake a couple of slices of tofu, brush some barbecue sauce on a st. viateur bagel, add a slice of cheese and then toast it altogether!

2. exuberance primary

this is the first font I've ever purchased. I used it for my recent newsletter, and I love that it's a sansserif font, and yet has a serif nature to it. It's extremely readable, and has a modern feel to it, without being TOO modern and boxy.

1. coconut cream chai

I fell in love with this tea earlier this year, and my best friend just sent me a HUGE package of this tea.

+1. flashpoint

oh my gosh, i love this tv show!!!! There are some episodes that aren't as good..but for the most part, it's great! i love the human face that there is...AND it's filmed in Toronto, and is unpretentious about it. mm. i think i watched like 4 episodes off the ctv website tonight.

3 commentaires:

Jess Versteeg a dit...

oh. my. goodness. coconut cream chai??? That sounds GLORIOUS!! & you're right, that font is actually really nice.

Kirsten a dit...

i like that font, too. particularly the numbers.

stephanie a dit...

Flashpoint!!!! FINALLY.... someone else who knows about it and hearts the Toronto-ness of it all.... heehee. And what can beat the pink power ranger?? ;)