vendredi, novembre 18, 2005

At the recommendation (or command) of priyanka jain--"Lydia, write a new blog!"-- here i am!

Whenever people ask me what's been going on in my life, i rarely have anything new to say. i usually tell them that i lead a pretty boring life and that when i have something new to tell them about, i'll update them. Unfortunately real updates for those who life on the other side of the country are few and far between. But since priyanka told me to blog, i sat on the bus today and thought about what i could blog about.

snow? (yes, it snowed today)

but really, how interesting is snow? not very i'd say.

i do however have something exciting to report today. Most people who read this already know about this, but i may as well blog about it--you know, preserve it in my online memory.

it has been my prayer for the longest time to see someone come to Christ through me. i would always celebrate with others when they had seen someone pray to receive Christ, but deep down i wondered when i would see someone come to Christ. Aside from seeing my neighbors pray to receive Christ when they were tiny tots, i really hadn't seen anyone come to Christ through me. Especially not at U of T. Last year, a new guy, Johnny got involved with Campus (Crusade) for Christ, and in his first week he saw two people come to Christ. In the deep recesses of my heart i questioned, "what am i doing wrong?" This year, i came to this point where i didn't want to pray to see anyone come to Christ anymore...i was tired of being disappointed over and over again. And so i stopped. But the heartache didn't go away. Nor did the tears i would shed at night, once the lights were off and the bed covers prevented anyone from seeing me.

Enter Ruby. During our second discipleship group Ruby, a quiet and shy girl, told us she wasn't a Christian, but really desired to learn more about Christianity. i had given up on praying to see someone come to Christ, but, i still felt a compelling need to share the gospel with people--resignedly, i had come to accept the fact that my role might be to plant seeds. in fact, i had told Janette that i had come to grips with the role God has given me. At any rate, i arranged to meet up with Ruby on Fridays. We had good conversations, but each time we met, she never wanted to receive Christ. Then, a couple of fridays ago, i met up with her, went through the 4 laws with her again (thinking to myself, this is SO pointless), and asked her AGAIN if she wanted to pray the prayer. This time...she didn't say no!

She said, "i'll go home and do it." I figured she was just saying that because she's so timid and so wallflowerish; i figured she didn't want to hurt my feelings. But when Janette and i met up with her on Monday, i asked her if she had read the 4 laws, and she looked kind of surprised and said, "yeah, i went home and prayed the prayer!"

God had heard my heart cry out, even in my silence, and had answered my prayers!!

And yet, i remained cynical. Not truly believing that she really meant it. But last week, she e-mailed me and asked me if i'd take her to get a Bible. And today, when i met up with her, there was no doubt in my mind that she meant what she said. As we sat in the subway on our way home, she took out her Bible and just looked at the box and said, "i'm so happy i have a Bible." The look on her face was enough to satiate a skeptic like me.

Along that note, the joy she felt at holding God's Word in her hands really reminded me of the words in Psalm 119:103, How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!

i often forget what a precious jewel i hold in my hands as i thumb through my well-worn Bible. And yet, it is sweeter than honey; it is my sword. In fact, it is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword! Able to conquer over any nefarious schemes of man and of satan.

Praise God that i have His Word in my heart! And Praise Him, because even when we've given up, He's heard our prayers!!!

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Glad to hear it lydia...=->
-Warren G.

Anonyme a dit...

"im so happy i have a Bible"...awwww!!

that is so awesome :)!!! PTL :).

Amanda a dit...

hey lydia!

wow, that's so amazing!
praise God for that! i'm encouraged to hear that :D

and i just read your quote in our school newspaper at MAC! nicely said ;)

i can save you a copy of the paper if you want!

Sid S. a dit...

hen hao!!!

"He makes all things beautiful in His time"