mardi, décembre 13, 2005

hmm wow i sense some hostility on my blog these days..haha. keep it COMING!! hits to my blog have significantly increased!! AMAZING. to quote my friend warren, "you should post fake angry comments from anonymous to drive [hits] up even further"

JUST KIDDING. totally kidding.

Now, on a serious note...

i think... there are some things that need to be addressed to everyone who reads my blog, and to 'anonymous' as well.

Whoever keeps up with this blog, will have read some of the comments that have been going back and forth between me and anonymous, and i would like to take this time to address this, so that i do not cause anyone to stumble.


In reference to my previous blog, about spelling...i really do apologize if that offended anyone; i usually assume that the people who read my blog are my friends who know me well, and know that that when i write something like that, it is in jest; it was not written to condemn anyone who has difficulties spelling or who has learning disabilities such as dyslexia.
So if that was offensive, which i concede may have appeared to be so, i do apologize.

If being judgemental is pertaining to other things (i.e. my previous post regarding Christians and dating or any of my other posts) i'll say this...

i really do ask that you would forgive me if i sound as though i am judgemental, it isn't my desire to come off that way. i really don't know if 'anonymous' knows me or not, i have no clue who you are and thus, i'm not sure where this standoffish-ness is derived from. but i do apologize for sounding judgemental. I attempt to abide by the principles in Romans 2, however as most humans i do slip up..

Let me explain further..

I believe that there is such a thing as absolute truth, and i will freely admit that on this blog and in my life, i don't beat around the bush with certain principles. i believe that there is right and there is wrong and that much of the time, areas that seem gray are actually black that we truly hope are white. i don't balk at pointing these truths out. if i see a brother or a sister who is heading down what is clearly a path to 'destruction' so to speak, i will not hesitate to point it out. I believe this comes from the principle inEzekiel 3

I do admit that i do lack compassion and don't often season my words with grace...for that i apologize to everyone... (especially to my whom i would like to take this aside and say that i really do love her and that i'm sorry if my words haven't been seasoned with grace)

But is my bluntness going to change? probably not anytime soon. i'll be working on compassion and grace though :)

So to mr or miss anonymous, thanks for pointing that out.. i really will be praying for more compassion and that the truth i speak would be seasoned with grace.
it grieves me that others may see me as judgemental, i do not want to appear to be so. in everything i do, i would hope that it would glorify God..and i am saddened that i have done a poor job of being His ambassador.

i do hope that everyone who reads this blog will forgive me. From now on i will think more before i blog realizing that there are people who read it who do not know me. There will be a day when my imperfections disappear and i shall be given a new name. until then, you'll have to bear with my inadequacies and failings.

15 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

I think you hit the nail on the head - you see everything black & white, when, in my view, it most certainly is not.

Don't worry, you haven't offended me. You know what they say, "If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen", right?

"If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch". (I think that one was from St. K-9, verse 1)

His Creation a dit...


i mos def like lamp


lowonthego a dit...

i don't know if its impertinent to ask this or not...but do you believe in God, anonymous?

lowonthego a dit...

what is lamp?

pri a dit...

yeah...what is lamp?

Anonyme a dit...

"hmm wow i sense some hostility on my blog these days..haha. keep it COMING!!"

hahaha.... so much discussion!!

i would be so curious at who would leave anonymous comments on my page if that was the case... i think that it would drive me crazy trying to figure out who it is. but i'm like that. haha!

you shouldn't ever have to apologize for bluntness, it's a characteristic that not too many people have (i'm fortunate to know a couple)... sometimes people need to see the reality, and not have it sound all nice and perfect. it's something that i certainly like about your character. though people may not understand or agree with your bluntness, it is who you are, and letting people see it your way or not is their decision to make. you can only point someone in the direction that you think is best, and hope that they do what they think is right... maybe if it isn't what you pointed them out to do.

i really do love you roomie. :) sometimes i think that we get a little too stubborn with each other and would rather post on each other's sites than say what's really on our minds. imagine what an awkward household that might be if it turned out really bad? yeah, the thought doesn't sit well with me at all.

you know who i am, so i am not really 'anonymous' :)

wow, that was long!

Anonyme a dit...

Do I believe in God? Yes, at least, I don't believe it possible to disprove his/her existance - but the Christian God, the God of the bible? No, I don't believe I ever really have.

lowonthego a dit...

i'm curious...because you're this anonymous person that i don't think i know who reads my blog..why? haha not to say you shouldn't...

but another question, this god/being you believe in.. plays an integral part in the lives of people? or is more of a creator type god who watches the world play out from afar?

Anonyme a dit...

I can't help but think that there might be some "playing a part in the lives of people" going on, but there are also so few things that cannot be explained through scientific means that either:

a) it is all meticulously planned out to keep the scientifically-minded people satisfied, or

b) there isn't any intervention at all.

I can't reconcile myself with the thought of everything being completely random - probably because I don't want to feel insignificant - but I also beleive strongly that, for example, the world is more than 6000 years old, and evolution is a fact of life, whether or not it's because chemicals are chemicals, or because chemicals were meant to behave as they do.

Anonyme a dit... for why I read, I guess it's a bit voyeuristic, isn't it? I like knowing what's going on in other peoples' lives, even if I don't know them.

lowonthego a dit...

do you think Jesus was a real person? as in...did He historically exist? and if he did, what would you say about his claim to be God?
and what is your opinion on the Christian God? i mean other than not believing in Him... but like... i guess, in a sense...why?

haha, i'm pretty curious when it comes to what people believe about religion...especially christianity...but you can probably tell from reading my blog ^_^

Anonyme a dit...

I have no doubt that Jesus was a real person, but as for his claim to be God - I'm not sure what I think about it. He was obviously a charismatic leader, and people followed him, but it wasn't really until Constantine's time that Christianity became popular.

I definitely agree with a lot of Christian values and how one should live their life - but again, most of it strikes me as common sense. Even the things that people get so worked up about now...premarital sex, for example - there was no birth control then, and if people were having children before they were married, who would be taking care of them? How would they be fed and clothed? Ideally, people would realize that the chance of getting pregnant whilst unable to care for a child would be enough to stop them from taking the risk, and I suppose that religion is a good way to get people in that mindset, but I don't think it's entirely necessary.

Obviously, religion has led to some pretty bad things, as well - the Crusades weren't exactly a high point, and neither was the use of Christianity to justify prejudice and antagonism by the KKK in America...I think people use religion, be it Christianity or Islam or whathaveyou to justify bad deeds much more than they use it as a reason to do good, which is obviously disheartening. Didn't Jesus say, "Love one another"? Why all the hate? Why anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-this, anti-that? Christianity is about forgiveness, not persecution, as far as I can tell - why don't people act like it?

I was raised as a Christian, but the whole gay marriage thing really solidified my position - besides any of the scientific evidence and my inability to just *believe* that it happened anyway, I can't identify with it at all - "religion" is just becoming an excuse for people to do what they want, and tell others that they're wrong. It frightens me when people talk about "recruiting" and "converting" (not you, necessarily), because I know what a lot of these people end up becoming, if not just another pair of feet to march in a rally to "keep marriage sacred", or whatever else.

Albert Einstein said, "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.", and I'm with him.

Anonyme a dit...

whoa... i actually read here now just for these back forth convos :P

lowonthego a dit...

if you were asked to describe the main message Jesus taught (a.k.a. i suppose the main message of Christianity)...what would you say it is?

Anonyme a dit...

Well, as far as I'm concerned, it depends on what you think about it - I think "Love one another" should be the main message, but I think "Go in peace to love and serve the Lord" is a bit more accurate, at least for what you're asking...I think that sacrificing himself (and his son, at the same time, depending on how you look at it, of course) for mankind is a pretty strong message, to say the least, but it's somewhat "up to the reader", or the church, or whomever to interpret what should be done in order to really do justice to that.