jeudi, novembre 23, 2006

4 of my dear brothers.

i have a lot of dear dear dear brothers in my life who are just such great brothers! they are wonderful and fantastic. so, today, i thought i'd steal the idea from some other bloggers, and list 4 of my favourite brothers. if you don't make it on the list this week, well.. maybe you'll make it on another week! it doesn't mean i love you any less.... so don't be hatin'!

ladies...all these guys are single!!!! haha. jokes, jokes.

in no particular order:

Joel Sherman.
(joel is the white dude in the picture)

i think that the picture just demonstrates how amazing my dear brother, Joel Sherman, is. He's just a really funny kid. Plus, if you ever check out his blog, you get the sense that he's just a really down to earth, honest guy. Even more so in real life. better yet, joel used to live in edmonton and he's always so gung ho about it. even i don't like edmonton that much.
Joel thinks asians are scary and he wears ankle socks. We made a trade. he is going to come to winter conference, but that means i have to go watch the guys play hockey.
i think its a fair trade.

Ryan Lawrence.
Ryan is like my big brother. He reads a lot of books to wax poetic, but though he seems like a nerd, he's actually very cool guy with this huge teddy bear heart. he's also a huge teddy bear who has an amazing sense of dress. besides, he loves shoes, and i adore anyone who loves shoes.

ryan is a very dedicated and loyal friend. he's always there to be a picker upper and he's very good at keeping in touch. he also adores girl talk, but isn't feminine, so he's always fun to talk to. PLUS ryan has a super cute dog that i've only seen once. it's going to be taller than me, one day (which isn't very hard, i suppose...)

Nathan Onifrichuk.
How can you NOT love a guy with arms that could strangle a full grown holstein?

sorry nathan, i know you will hate me forever. but i couldn't resist.

haha, nathan is a cool brother of mine. he's like a half big brother, and a half little brother. nathan has such great humility and always has great insight into God's Word. As my friend Matt Rice once said, "Nathan is like Jesus." Haha. what i like most about nathan is his straightforward demeanor. he's intentional and focussed in whatever he does. Most of all, nathan is teachable and just plain weird. he has an amazing blankie that i REALLY REALLY want to steal. it has the seven dwarfs on it and its the coolest and most soft blankie ever. its apparently rarely washed, which is kinda gross...but i swear i will steal it one day. we rarely talk, but he's still a great brother.

Warren Gonsalves.
Warren is like my worst nightmare. But also probably one of my bestest best best guy friends. he's mean and he picks on me, but is also one of the most relational guys i know. This guy REALLY, TRULY cares about his friends. Out of all my guy friends, if i was in a car accident or something, i KNOW he'd visit me in rehab and push around my wheelchair. Whenever i disappear for awhile, warren will always send me an e-mail asking me if i'm dead. now THAT'S a special friend.

Warren and i always have fun. though he drives me up the wall with his spontenaiety and lack of planning ahead, he's so much fun, i always forgive him.

he wears clothing in an assortment of primary colours, and one of my dreams is go to his house and organize his clothing by colour. it would be like a rainbow.

anyways, thats all the guys this time round!


p.s. i'm looking for a good book to read. i just finished Black like Me which was an AWESOME read. so i'm taking up recommendations. Ryan and son of man, this is your time to shine!


also, two things i've been meaning to post up for awhile now, and just keep forgetting to do so.

why i have a friend crush on mark driscoll


7 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

hey i just read black like me last week. it was so good.

Anonyme a dit...

aw, richardsen totally got the shaft there! visually there, but NO DICE!!!

what a nice idea. you are an encouraging person, lydders.

Anonyme a dit...

haahaha, oh richardsen totally DID get shafted. LOL. what can i say?

he doesn't read this anyways...i don't think....

so i'm in the clear.


Anonyme a dit...

What's Joel's blog?

Anonyme a dit...

the kiwi thing is so amazingly cute

and driscoll could totally have added Samurai Jack to the list... HAHA, except for the fact that it wasn't exactly a hit, and isn't on anymore...

Anonyme a dit...

hahahhaa, KIM...


samurai jack, you know you have a crush on him. maybe you should give him the LOOK.

Anonyme a dit...

well maybe i'll be #1 on the sketchy list if u ever put one up. :P

i WILL make the list... i kinda don't care which list as long as i'm #1. lolz.

i think maybe i should start a blog on pride. hahaha.

still waiting for december phone call :D