lundi, décembre 04, 2006

yay exterminators!

so, our building finallllly got it together, and our dear friends, the exterminators, will be coming on december 12th!

hopefully they'll get rid of all the friendlies in my bed (and in the crevices, and the floor, and the walls).

now... who is going to be my friend on tuesday the 12th? i'll be homeless all day.

yay baptismal!

my grandmother, who is 68 years old, was baptized yesterday!

God is good. in recent years, my dad's family (two sisters, father and mother) have all come to know the LORD, with the exception of my dad's older brother.

that's pretty sweet, if you ask me.

what a great reminder to keep on praying for Christ to irresistibly draw our unbelieving friends to Him!

yay luther!

did we in our own strength confide,
our striving would be losing
were not the right Man on our side,
the Man of God's own choosing:
Dost ask who that may be?
Christ Jesus it is He; Lord Sabaoth his Name,
From age to age the same,
and He must win the battle.
~ martin luther

yay snow!

there's something lovely and delightful about the crunch of fresh snow beneath one's shoes. in my case, white etnies with irish green laces.

there's also something beauteous, yet sadistic and brutish, about the tingling pain sensation the naked pinna feels as it is exposed to the cold.

winter is here, and i cannot wait for it to get colder.

snowboarding, i have missed you.

boo u of t starbucks!

why dost thou close at 10pm, when most other starbucks locations close at 11pm?
how you taunt me.

i miss my eglinton and yonge location. i miss my metropass.

boo exams!

2 tomorrow, one thursday, one friday.
3 papers monday and tuesday
1 paper due the 18th
1 exam the 19th.

hell has officially arrived.

oh sanity, do not desert me now!

yay friends!

i got home...and received a card in the mail.

just like the grinch, this love warmed my heart.

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