samedi, septembre 13, 2008


i booked an appointment to talk. i've been feeling really sick in certain circumstances and situations. So much so, that my heart pounds and all i want to do is throw up. Tonight, i have a major headache from just too many people.

Nevertheless, God has been so faithful. i've had certain prayer requests answered, and the right types of people have been popping up in my life at the right time.

There are so many needs out there; so many people who, i feel, under normal circumstances, i could be there for and give good advice and a listening ear. But like my roommate told me today, "Don't ever feel like you're indispensable. You are not indispensable. The world will continue to turn without you." This is true. And is a good reminder. But i'd still like to be there for as many people as i can, and not just the bare minimum.

i want to feel better.

1 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Sometimes if you don't hold back for a little bit and be there for only the bare minimum, you could lose the ability to be there for anyone at all in the future.