vendredi, janvier 30, 2009

waiting on the Lord.

i don't know why, but the idea of waiting upon the Lord has come up so often in my life, of late. In my quiet times, in worship, in the books i'm reading. Does that ever happen to you? When you know God is speaking to you, but you feel like it's way too cryptic to understand? i told Him today that i feel like i'm waiting in many areas of my life, but that i feel okay with waiting. That i feel a peace about waiting. But He still kept reiterating it.

i wonder if i'm missing something? Does this ever happen to you?

3 commentaires:

deb a dit...

yes. it usually goes something like this:

Him: just wait on me.
me: okay.
Him: keep waiting.
me: okay. I am.
Him: keep waiting patiently.
me: I know. I am.
Him: be still.
me: you already told me that! I know. can you not see I'm doing that?

but often I think as frustrating as the constant reminder is, I appreciate the constant reaffirming. otherwise I can see myself jumping the gun because I think He didn't remind me to wait enough times, or that His silence equates "do whatever you want".

Anonyme a dit...

Wait upon the Lord and He will renew your strength. I have a book on Hebrew words from En-Gedi. It's not speaking merely of patience, but also of hope and expectation.

ols a dit...

a thought that encourages me is that if you look at all the times God speaks to people in the Bible, there's no second guessing if it's Him or not. most of the time, it's when people are going about their daily lives.

as for waiting, i often feel a bit like Noah, who was in the ark for a very long time between when it stopped floating and when the Lord actually allowed him to leave the zoo.