jeudi, septembre 25, 2003

I can't wait to be free from this life of mindless sin....

me..I want to be a child of faith, but what my heart wants most, my body turns away...

why do i let my pride decide everytime?

Let me draw from your strength...and bathe in your grace

It takes so much to drop me to my knees...
~Excerpts from Jill Paquette's Take my Life

I don't find Christianity. A lot of the time, we put on this face that says, " yep...i'm totally cool with all of this." When people ask us how we are doing, we answer, " Fine". But the truth is, a lot of the time we aren't fine. It takes so much for me to give up my control. To leave it to Him to do the work. Its so hard to not let my pride interfere.

Easy isn't what i'd call this...
The more i try to make this happen, the less it's clear to me..
.Sometimes its hard to live this way...
What are the answers gonna be?
I wanna grab a hold of something to give me some security...
When everything i pray for is not your will for me...
~Excerpts from Jill Paquette's Sometimes Yes, Sometimes No

Far beyond my deepest heart's desire
Far beyond what I could ever dream...
Is your perfect plan for me..
author of love shapes my destiny...
If all my dreams were answered, they still could not compare
to the beauty of your ways, and all your plans for my life..
You've been scripting out a story for me
before the very foundations of time....
It seems so out of reach..
its all i think about sometimes...
Maybe these thoughts seem foolish to a Holy God...
You know all my hopes and fears...

~Excerpts from Eric and Leslie Ludy's Far Beyond

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