jeudi, février 02, 2006

so i've booked my train ticket to montreal next weekend (Feb 10-12th) for project planning. huzzah. have i received my acceptance from HQ yet? no. ha! its all been a bit crazy...but the staff told me to book my ticket in faith that i'll get accepted by headquarters (even if i don't, they'll reimburse my ticket...don't worry dad!) Apparently there's a glitch in application process...yeah...glitches don't sound very good. was it a glitch with my own application? did i do something wrong? or a glitch overall? haha. ummm, so anyways, i'm just going to listen to the project directors and go--but it would be QUITE disappointing if i went and then was, for some reason, rejected by headquarters! haha. confusing times.

but i'm pretty excited...
montreal is grand. was going to spend the sunday in ottawa, but decided against it, it would be too rushed. i don't think anyone in montreal reads this, or else i'd ask them if they wanted to hang out. darns. maybe i'll call some people. we shall see.

i'm thinking cheese curds will need to be bought. and poutine. haha, oh poutine. la belle province..mmm fatty awefulness. HUZZAH. on second thought, maybe no poutine.


in other news, there's these construction workers doing work by my apartment, and whenever women walk by, they rate them..anyways i looked back today, and the construction worker held up a 4 after i had passed by. a FOUR??? what is the scale? out of 10???? thats a FAILING GRADE! i don't think i look THAT bad? but i don't know, maybe i'm wrong...or maybe i just don't understand the scale system?

haha anyways, i'm not devastated here. it provided a good laugh.

what else is new. nothing really. i've been seeing the number 11:11 everywhere lately. i know my friends sonja and josh used to too. hahaa. so i googled 11:11 and there were a WACKLOAD of results. some of them super creepy. hahaha. hilarious times. you should google it and see what you come up with.


okay this is super random, and i have to jet now.

i hope we go to swiss chalet for supper after weekly meeting today. i'm craving a good piece of chicken. mmm hahaha.


13 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

lydia....i'dgold meall my fingers and mytoes...cuz u are a hottie. but i wont because i'll fall,unless im like lying downorsomething. then ud get all 20. ;). hahaha. those contrsuctions workersare hilarious. istruggle with deej's laptop thats why the typing isnt allgood. imtrying though hahah. dlnt worry im not drunk :p.


shellieos a dit...

la belle province...i'd say alberta!

Jenna a dit...

Wow - I had no idea that when Pri said she was bad with laptops, she was BAD.

Yay for Swiss! :) I eat there 6 days a week. ;)

Anonyme a dit...

It could be a -10 to 10 scale...thats what some of the guys I know work from.

jk in that I don't want to endorse rating or women to feel significance comes from looks but not kidding in that I really do know of a -10 to 10 scale.

also I'm lookin forward to hearin how God uses you this summer in Montreal.


lowonthego a dit...

is this the anonymous that always comments? or a different anonymous?

Anonyme a dit...

i think you are beautiful

lowonthego a dit...

uhh i don't know who this is..but thats a bit...uh...creepy.

lowonthego a dit...

haha not to say that i'm not flattered, but yes....just a bit creepy leaving an anonymous msg telling someone they are beautiful.

Anonyme a dit...

It wasn't me, don't fret.

The real anonymous.

Anonyme a dit...

I left the comment about -10 to 10 and saying itd be cool to hear about Montreal this summer. But not the beautiful comment I've been thoroughly warned about making even joking comments to girls about relationships and stuff.


lowonthego a dit...

haha thats right kid. glad to know that you have such wise wise people to warn you about those things ^_^ haha

Anonyme a dit...

it wasn't me either - so don't go thinking that!

lowonthego a dit...

HAHAHAH the thought crossed my mind, but then i figured you wouldn't be THAT creepy. hahahaha.