vendredi, mars 17, 2006

A funny St. Patrick's day story.

Today Pri and i went to get our support letters photocopied. While we were there, an older gentleman with snowy white hair came into the photocopy shop. He went to the back, and found some discarded white rolled up paper and then told priyanka and i that he likes to use the paper to cut out snowflakes. He was a rather cute older gentleman, and so i decided that he was probably a little confused. He proceeded to show us a photocopied biology page with amoeba, and told us that the amoeba were top secret and confidential, and that he was going to shred the page so that no one else would be able to read it. After observing him for awhile, it was clear that he was suffering from some form of schizophrenia. Regardless, he was a cute and tall old pri and i giggled while he said some peculiar things. But the following takes the cake. (Clarification, i'm not laughing at him...we just found what he said to be rather comical...)

"wait," he says as Pri and i are leaving the shop
"i am making some shamrocks for you two!"
He hands us the paper shamrocks he cut out and then says "i knew that you were Irish, i just knew it!!"

haha pretty funny considering that pri is brown and i'm chinese.

i always knew i had irish blood in me. it just had to be recognized!

pics of pri and i with the shamrocks!! Kiss me, i'm irish!


Oh another funny story of the day. Some friends were visiting and we went to the Trinity College chapel. And as we were standing there, we hear a voice "hello?"
And since the chapel was empty, we were confused, not knowing where the voice was coming from. We remained quiet, not knowing what to do--unsure of whether we had been too loud or whether a service was going on in another room.

"hello? is anyone there?"

we giggle nervously and still say nothing.

"i need some help."

so we start walking to the front of the chapel, still not knowing where the voice was coming from.

"i'm up here"

we look up, and in the organ loft...there was a man.

*nervous giggles*
in a nasally voice:
"i need help, i'm stuck up here"

i think by then we laughed out loud, feeling a bit relieved that we weren't in trouble, and at the funny situation.

"its not funny! i'm really stuck and actually quite frightened. can you go get someone to let me out?"

haha, we stifle our giggles..but only make it as far as the door before laughing. So i run and get the porter, who says,

"oh Lord, doesn't he have a key? why doesn't he just use the key to get out?"

Porter arrives on scene.

"sir, why don't you just use the key to get out?"

"i can't!"

"just stick the key in"

the guy mumbles something and tosses the key to the porter.

she then says she'll go get him from the organ loft.

but instead proceeds back to the porter's office.

we leave Trinity without finding out if the man is still stuck up there.

hahaha. hilarious!!!

7 commentaires:

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oh, and he had to be talking to you, because I am dutch.

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hahahaah. it was HILARIOUS. He was watching me as i threw away the paper from cutting up the paper and he was like when i throw away stuff, or find stuff in the garbage that has cofnidential information i shred it! I say yeah thats probably a good idea! and he goes yeah, like this amoeba paper here has confidential information. I am going to shred it ...and then he laughed. He seemed like a nice old man.

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oooh. you forgot the story about the man stuck in the room upstairs!!!

"its not funny. I am actually frightened"

and how the porter kept laughing at him!!! ahahahahaah. TOO FUNNY!!!!

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I laughed so much when I read this I had a coughing fit and horked up a ton of phlegm. btw, I just read the most amazing thing...the true history of St Patrick. worth reading for sure! Here is the url,

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He was such a godly man (Patrick), It is pretty bad what this day has come to mean. (an excuse to drink way too much.) This story reminded me of how great it is to know that you are a son of God.

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btw, the above mentioned coughing fit really helped to clear me out this morning. Your blog is so multifunctional.

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hahaha, glad it was of use.