dimanche, mars 19, 2006

so my msn has been a pain in the arse for the past couple of days. i don't know if its my internet connection (which has also been a pain the derriere) or my computer (which, notably smelt as though it was burning on friday)...but it doesn't matter.

could this be a sign that msn and i are not fated to be together?

well regardless of the sign, here is my decision. i hereby announce that i am going to attempt to pull an Onifrichuk (named after a friend of mine who successfully disappeared off msn for an extended hiatus--although i saw you online today buddy! is the hiatus over?) and disappear from the msn world for an undetermined period of time. who knows i may be back online tomorrow. or the day i have my 85th birthday party (Lord willing).

i guess time will tell. if you love me, send me a lovely e-mail now and then. if not, i bid thee farewell! ^_^

lately i've just been so struck by the community i've found at church and the love that has been shown to me. Despite not hanging out with people at NCAC as much as i would like, i realize that i've been immensely blessed to know so many amazing people. At church we have a missions board, highlighting different missionaries around the world with their update letters pinned to the board. This week, they just completed it..and maria and i made it onto their board! Wow..what a blessing and a privilege to be on the missions board!! That my church doesn't just see me as another member of the congregation..but as one of their missionaries and as someone they will pray for, support and encourage is just beyond me. WEX. i was SO touched. what a blessing. the church i go to isn't perfect..in fact, it is quite far from perfect. admittedly, i have prideful (but somewhat truthful) days where i think to myself, "i just want to go to a church where i can be filled up to a greater extent and where i'll be challenged by the lives of the people living there." But at the same time, i have come to the realization that there is much that i can learn from NCAC--the amount of love and care they have demonstrated towards me and towards others is remarkable. Cliquey is not a term that exists at NCAC, which is pretty amazing in itself. And what an awesome opportunity for me to give back by challenging others at NCAC to live a radical life, sold out for the gospel of Jesus Christ. i think i'm liking this two-way relationship going on, and would like to work harder at it. ^_^

Speaking of love and care--props to Frank who was SUPER patient during praise team practice yesterday. i am definitely not a super-star leader...but Frank allowed me to take ownership of it anyways, and was so patient and loving...despite my great inadequacy as a praise team leader. yay frank!

1 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

so essentially this pretty much means i'm off msn too?