mercredi, mars 01, 2006

i am thankful for...

- very comfortable sweatpants that i've worn 3 days in a row. tomorrow i'll make it 4.
- a very comfortable reading chair.
- that all this coughing will cause me to have very strong abs once this cold/flu is over.
- jack johnson, death cab for cutie, iron and wine, norah jones and other melodies.
- neocitron which has put me to sleep like a lullaby for the past 3 nights in a row when i couldn't fall asleep otherwise
- mum and dad who pray for me
- other friends who pray (this reluctantly includes those who distract me from my studying to tell me they bought a john piper book that was on sale)
- vicks vaporub
- auntie catherine's very soft and thick kleenex that i still have
- halls cough drops
- the yellow staedtler fineliner i have been using to mark up my textbook.

yes. these are very nice things indeed.

1 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

weird. after having neocitrin one day i was boucning off the walls. didnt put me to sleep at all hahah. well, so long as it works for you :). feel better!!