mardi, mars 14, 2006

Newsflash. lydia is a workaholic.

its insane. without pressure its as though i can't function. ADD central. i've been blessed with an enormous gift of time, and what have i done with the talents? i've planted them in the ground instead of investing them.

lame lydia lame.

here's the dilemma. without the pressure of work, all i do is loaf around. loafing is NOT resting. its loafing. reading blogs is loafing. spending time on msn is loafing. these don't make me feel more relaxed, they just make me feel like a lazy bum. loafing is loafing, and i'm becoming a loafer. i STILL go to bed tired and wake up even more tired. why? because i haven't been resting, i've been loafing!!

at the same time, i have difficulty doing relaxing things--i often feel guilty, as though i should be doing something more important. When i sit down to read, i think to myself, "wow..i could be doing something so much more productive." or when i meet up with friends, i think "wow, this is 2 hours i should be spending doing REAL work."
of course, i always have fun when i hang out with friends.

i need to rid myself of this type of thinking. i can't be productive if i'm stressed and if i'm wired on coffee and cocacola. concurrently i will not be productive if i'm being a loafer. notice this: i tend to extremes. i either love things (jack johnson) or hate things (IBS--inductive bible study...not irritable bowel syndrome) i either work like a madwoman or loaf like a 27 year old chinese gamer who still lives with his parents. NEITHER is good! i must start learning how to live life in the middle ground.

goal: to STOP being a loafer. to START enjoying relaxing. and to DO relaxing things.

i've also given myself a little pressure to get my life back in order (loafing around has meant getting behind on schoolwork, a messy bedroom and feeling tired and fat 24/7) by committing to go visit a friend from high school who lives in London. If i want to have a fun time with her then i HAVE to get all my work done before i go see her! Nice, friendly pressure to give lydia a shove in her derriere. just what i need.

List of things Lydia would like to do during her month o' relaxation.

- hang out with friends more often
- read a GOOD book. or numerous good books.
- visit faraway friends (well..not TOO far away)
- cook some awesome and amazing food.
- spend some time getting better at IBS (ha ha)
- work on support raising for this summer
- exercise
- get caught up on school work
- go sharing by myself instead of going with others.


speaking of sharing. Camille (the girl i disciple) and i went sharing today. we approached these two girls who were SO welcoming! i've never had an experience where students at U of T were SO willing to talk right off the bat. The first words out of the one girl's mouth was, "SURE! we were actually JUST talking about how one of our friends converted to Judaism from Christianity."

good times.


Camille led my DG for the first time today. It was cute. she was nervous..but just so cute! ^_^ i love watching as faith barriers are overcome!


also had a fun time meeting up with Warren today--was like the old days when we'd meet up every thursday and go for lunch. thanks warren! pri joined us in the ryerson C4C office, we prayed for a tiny bit and then chatted for a bit. it was just what i needed. MUCHLY relaxing...DEFINITELY more so than reading blogs and msn'ing.

Oh, and i forgot to write about this funny tidbit..until i read shelly's blog.
As i was walking outside today, there was this couple..and this guy put something into his girlfriend's mouth..and then proceeded to kiss her and suck it out of her mouth into his. DISGUSTING. like what the heck?? at any rate, i actually verbalized my thoughts...but a bit too loud, because they stopped and looked at me.go lydia!
yeah thats right. i don't want no PDA in my face man. thats disgusting. go get a room or something. better yet, stop sharing food like that. its gross. its not cute. its not adorable. its disgusting and vile and i hope that i never see something like that again. ugh. especially watching the food ooze out in that gap between their lips. NAST i tell you NAST!
on a happier note...
yesterday, my blog made it to
25 000

hits (and almost 40,000 page views). i know its not a lot compared to the famous..but its a lot for me! yay blog! teehee. i feel so popular. who reads this? if you read this you should comment. because i say so! ^_^

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

I don't agree with you about the public displays of affection, but I *do*, obviously, read.

Anonyme a dit...

haha yeah i don't expect everyone to agree with me on that. its just a personal pet peeve. :)

Anonyme a dit...

holding hands, kissing (like little pecks or whatever) is ok. but its so uncomfortable when people dont even care who's around and just go at it. ive seen soem stuff id rather not have. ugh. :S.

Anonyme a dit...

i read!!!

and i don't like pda's as well... probly coz i end up wanting a girl and bemoaning my fate...

Anonyme a dit...

1. conviction on the loafing vs. resting distinction
2. ewwwwwwwwwwwwww pda's
3. yay 25 000 hits!
4. i like you