mercredi, avril 05, 2006

A memory.

it was the first day of grade 6. i was late for class..and i was running.

i stepped into a hornets nest.

i got into class, and was crying because it hurt so much. i had stings everywhere.

everyone was staring at me. i was the new kid. the kid they knew was supposed to be in grade 5 but was instead in their class.

my new teacher, who had protested against me skipping a grade, ignored me as i slipped in late.

i don't think i ever felt more lonely and more insecure than that first day in class.

but i'm pretty much glad i'm not as nerdy anymore.

or maybe i just have nerdier friends, so it all equals out ^_^

1 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

well Piper was a nerd...