Montreal Debrief Thought #2
The gospel is magical. The spirit-filled life is magical. i find God and His Word to be a bit like Turkish Delight--once you've tasted, you always want more. But unlike Turkish Delight, you never get tired of it, and it always seems new. That, to me, is magical.
i love how you can KNOW Scripture, you can KNOW the gospel and yet discover that you really don't know all that much--and that as you uncover the mystery, it becomes even more of a mystery. i love how even the simple things will "click" time and time again, and can radically change a life.
This summer, i felt as though i understood the Spirit-filled life. its as though it clicked--i now understood its necessity. i understood its power. i stood in awe. its not as though i didn't understand it before--i did. but this time i UNDERSTOOD it. And i have a feeling that there will be a day in the future, where i will realize again that i understood it in a way i hadn't before.
that, to me, is magic. it seems crazy to think that once you've peeled away one layer, there is another layer to work at, to be astounded by, to desire to peel away.
it is the beauty of who God is--that even little children can be impacted and allured by His love...but that even those of highest intellect can be drawn to His feet as well.
4 commentaires:
will an upcoming thought #3 will pick up on your understanding of how or why is a spirit-filled life necessary?
if you want :) sure thing.
I think, and this isn't an attack on you or anything like that, that to a degree that happens with a lot of people, but not specifically gospel. It could be music, or reading, or writing, or whatever - just something that seems to explain "what it's about" for you.
I don't think, at this point in my life, the gospel will ever do it for me.
Thanks for this great post, Lydia! :)
How true it is - a life that is forward moving with Christ produces the greatest form of humility: as the Holy Spirit reveals more and more truth to us after our reception of the Gospel (or Christ), the greatest truth we learn is that there is no way that we could EVER comprehend how vastly magnificent God and His love is for us. Yesterday, when Pri and I were in Niagara, we looked over this huge cliff into a ravine, and just observed that there was NO way we could possibly take in, and remember every detail that made the landscape so spectacular (from the leaves on the multitude of trees, to design of the rivets in the rocks). All we could really do is stand there and look at it. That is SO what it is like with God: the more we get to know Him, the more clearly we realize how incapable we are of knowing everything about Him. That is what makes this life SO fantastic - that a GOOD God desires us to investigate and be overwhelmed by Himself, the Source of all beauty, answer, goodness, truth, and joy.
Amen Sister.
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