lundi, septembre 08, 2008


"Here are my thoughts: You are a smart girl and very talented, but you're not used to relying on others in such a vulnerable way. I think that it is incredibly hard for you to ask for help, because you're the person that people usually go to for help. I think this is a form of pride."~ M.R.

"Don't feel like you have to put up a strong front to everyone, all the time, ok?" ~P.C.

4 commentaires:

OM a dit...

ever since i got "busted" for blog stalking, i just got discouraged from visiting your blog all together.

condemnation never brought happiness.

lowonthego a dit...

what what??? nono micah! i lurve that you stalk my blog!

and hehe you commented! yay!!!

resume stalking.

Anonyme a dit...

Hah, see? Another person who got spooked away from leaving comments on your blog!

Sid S. a dit...

i still blog stalk u. lolz.