lundi, mars 20, 2006

wow....i thought it was already such a blessing to be on the missions bulletin board at church...

but today i got an e-mail from the woman's small group at our church. Check it out. wow. so blessed.

Hi Ladies,

We announced at our last group meeting that we'll
'adopt' Lydia as our missionary.

That means we'll keep in touch with her mission work.
Pray and support her ministry.

Lydia is currently working with Campus Crusade at
University of Toronto.

Prayer for this week & next (before we meet again):
- Pray for the SOIL at U of T. As Maria shared with
us that the ground is hard at U of T. Let's ask God
to soften it so that the gospel seed can grow.
- Also pray for Lydia & campus crusade staff so that
they won't be discouraged by the tough soil but
persevere in their tasks.

Suggestion: Appoint a time (e.g. lunch, dinner, or
before bedtime) to pray for Lydia so you'll remember
her on a regular basis. Put post-it note on your
computer or mark it down as a 'things-to-do' item on
your day-timer/palm pilot.
Sisters, Let's all bang on heaven's door with our
prayers and devotion.

Lydia, let us know of any other prayer items that is
heavy on your heart. We are here for you.



and now, i'm jumping on this bandwagon since everyone else is doing it. yes, if everyone was jumping out of a plane i would do it too... oh wait. been there, done that.

Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. violin/piano/flute teacher
2. tutor
3. umm does a day of stock taking work?
4. OH hahah working for "couche tard"/macs that one day last summer in montreal. i will never look at slurpees the same way again.

Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. Amelie
2. Water
3. My Sassy Girl
4. 13 going on 30

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Gilmore girls!!
2. Everwood
3. Reba
4. CSI

Four places you have been on vacation:
1. China with the rents
2. Japan (not really a vacation..but kinda!)
3. Florida (a couple of times)
4. Singapore/Malaysia/Hong Kong

Four websites I visit daily (or often):
1. BLOGS--esp. pri and shelly
4. google

Four of your favorite foods:
1. malaysian curry
2. satay hor fan
3. satay pho from pagolac in edmonton
4. chocolate chip oatmeal muffins

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. japan
2. hong kong
3. edmonton
4. somewhere in europe.

1 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

wowsers, that is an awesome church.