mercredi, octobre 03, 2007

random thoughts.

1. why are there no jeans created for people 5'2 and under who aren't actually sticks?

2. i am addicted to stila cosmetics. No creases!

3. awhile back, i cut reading chick-lit, because non-Christian chick-lit was just too racy, and Christian chick-lit just too cheesy. BUT, while i was at the Toronto airport, I picked up a book to pass the 4 hour flight... and realized it was Christian chick-lit that is actually so catchy it sells on the secular market...WITHOUT racy-ness. I've read all three books that the authors have. good times.

4. i love that birds are totally IN in the design world.

5. i love that bikes are totally IN in the design world as well.

6. i need a good hobby to do on my own, but at home. Something that is cheap but that incorporates art/design/photography and love.

7. i would like to redesign this blog, but i don't have a program...and straight up coding does not enthuse me like it once did.

8. growing up kinda makes me sad.

9. it was my friend Ashley's birthday yesterday. We've known each other for 17 years. That's a long time. longer than most marriages. i like our friendship. we can not see each other for months on end, and still have a great time. Most friendships are not like this.

10. i have little to blog about, and my readership has been cut by about 2/3rds since last year at this time. ah well.

10+1. top 3 websites of the week:

(z) ~ caveat: she is a bit vulgar/jaded at times. BUT, SO incredibly sarcastic and funny. right up my alley.

(y) : i've been following design sponge for a LONG time, but she recently migrated over to her own domain...and it's even BETTER now!

(x) : opened Oct 1. It's a GREAT collective. Even if just to "window" shop.

2 commentaires:

Jess Versteeg a dit...

haha dooce. Man... its weird because I know allll about her family and have watched Leta grow up over the last 3 years and feel kind of weird that I totally know I could spot her and her family walking down the street... every time I see a baby bjorn, I think of Jon walking into Futureshop with Leta strapped to his chest and he's telling the futershop guy off like that. Too funny. It makes me sad I haven't read her blog in over a year.

also, about the whole fashion thing. I'm not short, but skinny jeans are horrific on me. They make me look super fat because I actually have hips. S... I look like this: V Skinny jeans make me look like a Vee and its weird and gross and sinful. So I've rejected it and turned into a hippy. The kind that shower. and don't have dreads. and wear pink. hmm. anyways, i should be preparing for DG now so I'm going to end this epic comment. righto. *leaves*

Unknown a dit...

dooce is a favourite of mine as well.
Oh the sarcasm.
I actually started checking out her website because of her photography but then gradually started reading her posts. And then I noticed that she designs a new banner every month and they're all so good! I wish I could be a good web/graphic design person. I could. I think. I lack the time or motivation to learn, though.